Saturday, July 27, 2013

Yes, I decided to create a new blog! (Shout out to Candace Hill - "Hey!")

What is in store for this new blog, you ask?

Hopefully a weekly post on all kinds of topics. Plus, excerpts from my manuscript - I won't call it a book since it hasn't been published. Plus, quotes and possibly pictures (if I get super savvy about how to do fancy shmancy stuff). AND...whatever else finds itself on here.

For starters, I will put the introduction to my manuscript on here with the Table of Contents so you can see what's coming in future posts.

Then, I will put a post I wrote about prayer that may be kind of "out there" for some people, but it won't be the first time someone has told me I am "out there", if indeed that is what they think when they read it. I hesitate to put it on here only because it is not in the same style as my manuscript and I would prefer that readers don't say to themselves, "I am not going to read her manuscript if it is full of these crazy ideas." My hesitation is overcome by the truth that I am crazy and I pretty much embrace my craziness, and also by my enjoyment of various and assorted ideas that generate new thoughts.

Finally, welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it. I read a book quite a while ago written by a woman who had a near death (or actual death) experience and she said that she learned it is important to: GIVE THANKS, REJOICE, and PRAY.

I believe that is wise counsel. So, thanks for coming here; I hope you enjoy yourself; and let's pray for a greater awareness of God's Spirit in and around us.

Carry On!

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