Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Here we go with a chapter on HOPE.  It is the second to last chapter.

Hope can be tricky sometimes.  I recently read about the hope dilemma.  One example is when I talk to a patient who has their sense of hope, a family member with their hope and idea of what kind of treatments the patient should have, and then the hospital staff has their own hope of what the patient can or should be doing.  Not everyone has the same kind of hope in all circumstances.  I have learned that I cannot give someone else my hope and expect it to become their own.  We each have our own relationship with hope.

Hope can be a mystery for individuals whose hope is ebbing on one day and flowing another day, or many instances of ups and downs in the same day!  We can hope for something that is unrealistic and then not feel anything when there is actually a good chance that things could turn out in our favor.  What a dilemma?!  What I do know is that hope is my "saving grace" (something to ponder).  A little bit of hope can go a long way to help us endure.  On any given day we could probably write a chapter on hope and it may very well be different from the day before, and slightly (or a lot) off from the reality of the day after.  Hope is necessary for me to........Carry On!

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